Cu siguranta ca va mai aduceti aminte de Star Trek si de simpaticii si lacomii ferengi. Saptamana trecuta am gasit [intamplator] pe net un audio book interesant: Legends of the Ferengi. Practic e vorba de o colectie de povestiri si intamplari despre felul si filozofia lor de viata, relatate de Quark, barmanul din Deep Space Nine.
Ele ilustreaza - intr-o maniera sarcastica si plina de umor - cateva din cele 285 de Reguli de Achizitie, pazite cu sfintenie de ferengi. Iata cateva dintre ele, comentate pe larg in audiobook:
Rule no. 1 - Once you have their money, you never give it back.
Rule no. 9 - Opportunity + Instinct = Profit.
Rule no. 10 - Avarice never dies. Greed is eternal.
Rule no. 13 - Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
Rule no. 16 - A deal is a deal... until a better one comes along.
Rule no. 19 - Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
Rule no. 21 - Never place friendship above profit.
Rule no. 33 - It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
Rule no. 48 - The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
...and many more.
Ele ilustreaza - intr-o maniera sarcastica si plina de umor - cateva din cele 285 de Reguli de Achizitie, pazite cu sfintenie de ferengi. Iata cateva dintre ele, comentate pe larg in audiobook:

Rule no. 9 - Opportunity + Instinct = Profit.
Rule no. 10 - Avarice never dies. Greed is eternal.
Rule no. 13 - Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
Rule no. 16 - A deal is a deal... until a better one comes along.
Rule no. 19 - Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
Rule no. 21 - Never place friendship above profit.
Rule no. 33 - It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
Rule no. 48 - The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
...and many more.
For centuries these and the other famous Ferengi "Rules of Acquisition' have been the guiding principles of the galaxy's most successful entrepreneurs. But the wisdom behind them was not won without a high cost in lives and latnium.
Now at last these inspiring tales of avaricious Ferengi wresting monetary gain from the jaws of poverty are available to the profit-hungry across the galaxy!
Doamne cat de familiar suna....
RăspundețiȘtergereCred ca din cauza regulii 284...