Am aparut cam de 5 zile (cf. Technocrati) pe un blog din Portugalia care n-are nici o tangenta cu limba romana. [sau poate nu imi dau eu seama momentan]. Linkul spre blogul meu apare jos pe pagina, in stanga, la rubruica Internacionais. Singurul lucru comun e ca ambii avem bloguri pe blogspot...
Weirdo !!
Weirdo !!
Stalker :D. Nu.. sa nu se supere portughezul pe noi :)
RăspundețiȘtergereHi! I'm the author of the portuguese blog, O Restaurador da Independência. I've decided added you to my blog after a little research through the web and because I want to give a chance to the romanian emigrants who might read my blog can visit a blog in their language. I don't understand nothing of romanian in spite of your language is it a latinian language like portuguese. If read more carefully the Internacionals (Internacionais) section you will se blogs from Spain, Brazil, France, Norway, Finland, Hong Kong, USA, UK, Iceland and Ukraine. Thanks a lot for your reference to my blog, and if you want it will be nice if you link me on your blog!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereFrom Portugal with friendship!
RăspundețiȘtergere[ The last at the link session ].
But I still have a question: "Why did you choose ME". Tell me a few reasons why...
I'm rather curious...
As I told before, i don't understand romenian. So, beyond the objective the give a chance for the romenian community who might can read my blog, the other reason is that your blog seems to be a cultural blog. I'm a translator a I love to discover other cultures, other languages (I speak english, spanish, french, german and italian) and other habits. I think that's why i've chosen you. As well I choose one or two blogs from Norway, Finland, Hong Kong, Iceland and Ukraine. To try to discover new cultures, languages and habits. And for your location, Transilvania. The land of Dracula. :-)
RăspundețiȘtergereI hope that I had satisfied your curiosity.
Thanks for the romenian-english translation. I'll translate what I wrote in my blog about you.
RăspundețiȘtergere"Hoje decidi dar uma vista de olhos no Technocrati e percebi que um blogue da Roménia, intitulado Idei de Imprumut e que eu tinha linkado há algum tempo na secção dos Internacionais, decidiu falar do blog de Portugal que o tinha linkado, tendo também referido o facto de as nossas línguas serem irmãs. Espero não estar enganado, mas quem souber romeno, pede-se uma ajuda podendo ler o artigo aqui."
In english the text seems like this:
Today I've decided take a look on Technocrati and I saw that a blog from Romania, called Idei de Imprumut and I'd linked some time ago on the International category, had decided speak about the blog from Portugal that had linked him, and he refers too the fact that our languages are sisters. I hope don't be wrong, but who knows romenian, I request some help reading the article just right here.
As you can see my romenian it's terribly bad! I'd translated all wrong about your post to portuguese. :-S
Today I'd learned a little bit of romenian! Thanks a lot!
well, if there is anything more I can do for you & you romanian language skills, just say... :D
RăspundețiȘtergereI apreciate that! And if you to know of portuguese works, just say, ok? I will say something to you in some days! Thanks!