Azi, intr-un anumit context, mi s-a dat ocazi sa [re]vad impreuna cu altii un minunat film: "A beautiful mind" ( 2oo1 )
Desi l-am mai vazut cu ceva timp in urma (prin 2oo2, parca), filmul a avut asupra-mi acelasi impact. Prima vizionare insa m-a ajutat mult acum: sa pot privi dincolo de cuvinte si sa fiu mult mai atent la detalii...
N-am sa ma apuc sa fac pe marele critic de film (desi inca sunt sub proaspata impresie a vizionarii). Ma limitez la a reproduce cateva replici care mi se par mai deosebite si care [poate] ii vor face [si] pe altii sa intelega mai bine liniile de forta ale unei vieti transpuse in imagini succesive...
Nash: You have no respect for cognitive reverie, you know that?
Nash: Classes will dull your mind, destroy the potential for authentic creativity.
Nash: This class will be a waste of your - and what is infinitely worse - my time.
Charles: Mathematics... mathematics is never going to lead you to higher truth and you know why? Because it's boring!
Nash: There has to be a mathematical explanation for how bad that tie is.
Nash: I find you very attractive. Your assertiveness tells me that you feel the same way about me. But ritual remains that we must do a series of platonic actions before we can have intercourse. But all I really want to do is have sex with you as soon as possible.
Alicia: I need to believe, that something extraordinary is possible.
Nash: Find a truly original idea. It is the only way I will ever distinguish myself. It is the only way I will ever matter.
Alicia: God must be a painter. Why else would we have so many colors?
MIT Student: Can we open up the window, Professor? It's hot in here.
John Nash: Your comfort comes second to my ability to hear my own voice.
Charles: There's no such thing as "for sure". That's the only sure thing I do know.
Nash: I've made the most important discovery of my life. It's only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons can be found. I'm only here tonight because of you. You're the only reason I am... you're all the reasons I am.
Nash: Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.
.~. Vizionare placuta .~. .
& un mic "cadou vizual" pentru aceia carora filmul le va ajunge la suflet...
... uite ca ti-am onorat invitatia si am dat o roata pe aici. Ce sa zic? Frumos, relaxant, cultivat.
RăspundețiȘtergereA propos cultivat, poti sa numesti autorul citatului "Cultrua pt culturnici"?
Hermannstadt-ul nu e asa mare, deci n-ar fi greu sa-ti amintesti (?).
RăspundețiȘtergereI can't remember.
"spunea parca cineva in Hermannstadt"
Se poate sa fi auzit formularea pe la vreo manifestare socio-culturala. Chiar ca nu imi aduc aminte... Tot ce imi amintesc ca am auzit-o rostindu-se prin Sibiu.
Multumesc de vizita !!!
Ei, bíne, imi dai voie sa te 'dascaluiesc' oleaca, noi suntem 'acaparati' de stiinte mai... 'exacte', unde un citat mentionat sub "spunea cineva pe undeva" nu prea are valoare mare... M-as fi bucurat sa aflu cel putin la ce manifestare socio-culturala l-ai auzit.
RăspundețiȘtergerePoate te... straduiesti sa fii mai exact cu citatele viitoare(?), ca acum realizez ca nu are rost sa te bat la cap cu citatul acesta originar din Hermannstadt. Si a propos, de ce Hermannstadt? De ce nu Sibiu?
Ok. alta data o sa fiu mai atent cu citatele
RăspundețiȘtergereGame over !!!
aaaa.. Multumesc [inca o data] de vizita, desi eu nu ofer cafea...